We are constantly working on improvements and on creating a continuous workflow. Now we were able to close the next important...
3D-Printing for
your company
Products in high-precision 3D-printing are taking over the market. They allow for a new way of thinking. They spectacularly widen the possibilities of construction, and they change the whole manufacturing process. With 3D-Up! smaller companies can also offer services that are usually only possible for bigger companies. Get ready for 3D-Up!
Optimise your complete manufacturing process and save time. With the help of 3D-Up! leap into the digital world so you and your team can concentrate on the things that really count: your customers.
Personal consultation and a high-end product from a 3D-printer – all this thanks to a continuous digital process chain.

Open your browser, log in and upload your data. Now you can start to construct and model your product according to your wants and needs. High-quality printing data is now available to you. Server located in Germany and with excellent performance.
5 steps
to the perfect 3D-model

Use your smartphone or tablet computer. Acquire all your patients’ important data quickly and precisely. Go online and then send the data with your web-enabled device to 3D-Up!
The acquired data is processed in the app. Now it’s time to go into detail. Are the measurements for the wanted product, correct? What still needs to be considered for construction? You can now sit back and relax as you see how a model is created from your data, and all this in real-time. Happy with the result? You can now download the file with the measurements for your model.

The outline is now finished. The final model is in waiting. 3D-Up! can make recommendations for standardised products. A look in the integrated database is also of great value. There, you can find matching fittings from third parties and can combine them with your model – a decisive plus from 3D-Up!
3D-Up! Gives you high-quality printing data for your 3D-printer. Would you like to print them yourself, or would you prefer to have them printed for you? – you make the rules!

The best data and high-quality print as well as specifically developed tools: Your skills are required. You add the finishing touches in bringing people and product together. Experience how the whole workflow works in our workshop 5.0 live. We look forward to seeing you.